NCREIF Committee Chairs
NCREIF Standing Committees - the Backbone of the Organization.
Led by industry professionals with significant experience within their discipline, NCREIF's Committee Chairs provide the leadership needed to get vital industry education and guidance across the finish line. Their selfless contributions to provide meaningful content during each of the three annual conferences are remarkable.
NCREIF Standing Committee Chairs 2024
Chair - Megan Hess, DWS
Chair - Mark Wojteczk, Deloitte
Vice Chair - Christy Daniels, Principal
Vice Chair - Amy Pearce, SS&C Technologies
Daily Pricing
Chair - TBA
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Chair - Warren Friend, Pemaquid Advisors
Chair - Dominique Hargreaves, ARA
Chair - Michael McGowan, CalSTRS
Vice Chair - Hannah Kim, Blackstone
Vice Chair - Paige Mueller, Eigen10 Advisors
Vice Chair - Ali Siby, Hines
Chair - Dan Murray, UBS
Vice Chair - Joseph Villani, Nuveen
Information Management
Chair - Bradley Hammer, Heitman
Vice Chair - Jason Robisch, SitusAMC
Vice Chair - Pete Schow, Affinius Capital
Investor (Previously Plan Sponsor)
Chair - Greg Arendt, CalSTRS
Vice Chair - Ted Nelson, Utah Retirment Systmes
Performance Measurement
Chair - Rosellen Bounds, ACA Group
Vice Chair - Kim Everaerts, Walton Street
Vice Chair - Samantha King, JP Morgan
Chair - Jacob Anderson, Heitman
Chair - Arthur Jones, Principal
Vice Chair - Erin Patterson, Manulife
Vice Chair - Michael Steinberg, MetLife
Chair - John Griffith, Manulife
Chair - Keith Strohl, NPV Advisors
First Vice Chair - Harris Markowitz, Clarion
Second Vice Chair - Andrew Sabatini, SitusAMC
Contact Committee Leadership
If you have any questions for one of the NCREIF Committe Chairs, please use the form below.